Brandon had a bit of a rough day today. His grandma had surgery this morning, and so our entire extended family was at the hospital. As a result, Brandon had a lot of visitors and he seemed to get a little worn out. Tomorrow morning, the team is going to be replacing Brandon’s central line (the one up by his collar bone) with something called a PICC line. It goes into the arm near the elbow and gets threaded up the arm and into the main vein that returns blood to the heart. Once they are done with that, they will be replacing the radial artery line in his other arm . . . all in all, tomorrow is going to be a pain in more ways than one. I am really hoping that Brandon will be able to lay low, so to speak. The docs want to make sure that he is getting plenty of rest. The damage to his lungs will never be repaired, but with proper rehabilitation, his lungs will be able to compensate for the damage. In the meantime, it is going to be a long road to recovery. Please keep the prayers and messages of encouragement coming!

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