Good afternoon. Not a lot to report today, but the pulomonologist decided this morning to re-do the bronchoscopy. Brandon has a partial collapse of the lower lobe of one lung (which is relatively common for people on vents), and the doc was able to suction out some thick mucus during the bronc, so hopefully we will see some improvement. Christie’s family is up at the hospital today, so we have some great support here.

On a side note, I, personally, am overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayers and love we are getting from all around the world. Extended family and friends everywhere have added Brandon to their local church’s prayer lists, not only in a variety of states here in the US, but also in Europe and New Zealand. I know it may sound a bit corny, but if the squeaky wheel really does get the grease, God is sitting up and paying attention! Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and continue spreading the word.

Finally, in order to make it a little easier for everyone to follow Brandon’s progress, I am also posting these entries on my blog at That way, if anyone would like to keep track of what is going on, they can do so outside the confines of Facebook, so spread the word!

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